May I take the Eucharist at a church where they do not pray for the Patriarch?
– I am from a much suffering Ukraine. I was churched a long time ago. Ten years ago, I moved to a village to nurse my mum. I sing in a small church choir, read, and work as a church warden. I love church services very much. More recently, unbelievable things are happening. Before the services and during the sermons, everything comes down to politics, and people have stopped praying for the Patriarch. I often take the Eucharist, as I was blessed to do so by my spiritual guide, when I lived in the city. What should I do? How can I take the Eucharist at a church where the Patriarch, given to us by God, is scorned. My soul is worn out with suffering, while the situation is getting worse. All Russian sites, even the Orthodox ones, and yours, are blocked. Only the megaphones of the liberal and global power are available. Frightening aggression comes from everywhere; we will soon be killed for speaking Russian. Father, what should I do? Can I take the Eucharist at a church where they do not pray for the Patriarch? Or should we not go to church any more and pray at home? I am all in tears, it is very hard to overcome this.
– The fact some priests do not pray for the Patriarch is a sin on their conscience. I think you may take the Eucharist, as we do not have an official schism yet. Try to reflect less on these issues because such reflections and thoughts may strain you. Leave the reflections for prayer. When a person prays, he or she does not reflect. Their mind is in God, “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” You will have to be patient for some time. All things must pass. This is a fact of life.
Archpriest Sergiy Baranov