Sermon after the Liturgy at our skete. 

The township of Kherson 08.01.2023


God gave people the miracle of confession. What is its essence? When people understand its meaning, they begin to treat it differently. If they do not get the point of it, then they do not understand why it is needed at all. 

Sin enters inside a human as something foreign and unnatural, as sin is not a part of the human program, of our life. When sin enters a human as something unnatural, it contaminates the whole organism and stagnation begins. The place around the sin rots and resembles a big boil, bringing pain and suffering to a human.    The temperature rises and the human suffers from more pain and discomfort and becomes restless. And the more they delay… There are cases when children hide their sores from their parents. They do not want to go to hospital and undergo different procedures. Out of this fear, children hide their sores from their parents and all this ends in contamination of the whole body.  The inflammation spreads throughout the body, the children’s temperature rises, and they may even come to a life-threatening state. The same thing happens when people hide their sins from their spiritual guide. It seems to be awkward and inappropriate to tell him; they do not want to upset him and put this off until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Meanwhile, the contamination goes on and the boil becomes bigger and bigger. It becomes an abscess, the temperature rises and the person is not simply sick, but he or she may even die. 

What happens during the Sacrament of Confession? During this Mystery, a priest, who acts like a surgeon, opens this boil. I remember, some years ago, my mother-in-law was dying. She had a big abscess, a boil. She had a high temperature and all of her body ached. She suffered a lot. I brought Father Vyacheslav, a priest and a surgeon from Orsk, to her. He opened it and I was kind of his assistant. He opened it and took a big amount of puss out of it. The surgery seemed so scary to me, but it took place not at a Surgery Department, but in a bed at home, where he also administered a painkiller to her. It would seem, there was such a surgical interference, as if a part of her body was taken away with a spoon, but as soon as we did it and put on a dressing, she immediately sighed with relief and said, “I felt better at once.” Blood circulates all over and brings contamination from this boil to every part of our body and it all begins to suffer very much.  

A priest does the same thing at a confession as a surgeon does with an abscess. A priest makes an incision and opens this decay, the puss goes out and… I do not need to tell you about this, you are churched people, moreover, you are monastic and all of you experienced this state. Remember how you come to and leave a confession. We come to it as if we enter a surgery, but when we come out… we say, “Glory to God, that’s it, it has been opened and everything is taken away. A new life has begun!” Some faithful people may contradict me and say, “There are unfaithful people who do not know God, sin throughout their lives, and have neither boils nor contamination.” At this moment, I will quote St. Symeon the New Theologian again, “A part of people, maybe the majority of people, simply live physiologically. Their souls have been long dead. They are dead.” They live on the level with animals. Animals have no sense of consciousness, nor a sense of sin, they do not have a notion of confession and do not ask anyone for forgiveness. This is not because animals are bad, but because they simply do not have this and they do not understand this. So, what is the difference between animals and us? Thanks to our likeness to God, we can sense sin and feel the presence of it. On the contrary, we can feel the presence of God, when there is no sin. This is why some people live and don’t bother about anything, nothing hurts them, they feel no discomfort and say, “I have been drinking throughout my whole life and I’m ok.” 

My uncle was an alcoholic; he said, “Sereja, I drink all my life. Only once did my tooth ache. They say, vodka kills, but I feel seek only in the morning-after.” He died. He walked in the morning-after and his heart stopped beating. This is about physiological individuals, who live physiologically. However, people are created in a different way. People are created to have a relationship with God. No animal has a notion of God; they have no religious sense. This is why they are merely animals. Meanwhile all human beings, even the farthest savages, have their sense of God. It may be perverted and twisted, but it still remains with them, as it was present since creation. 

This is why for a churched and baptized person, whose soul was reanimated and came to life a sin will come as an unnatural state, which causes pain. The longer he or she does not cure this pain, the more this boil will grow, until it drives the person crazy or ends in a shock.  

God gave us such a precious thing! The only thing we need to do is to go to a surgeon. We simply need to be decisive: raise yourself and go. “Please, open this for me. I have a boil.” That’s it. You simply come and go. This is the mercy of God. 

Glory to our God, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages!



St. John of Kronstadt Cathedral, Gai City, 03.12.2022


If people who do not attend Church become frightened or something unexpected happens to them, what will they scream? They will scream, “Mum!” (in the Russian language). A member of the Church will cry instead, “Lord” or “Mother of God,” but a non-believer will cry “mum.” This is because this word is the dearest and the warmest to any person. All hope is in this word. Friends, acquaintances and colleagues come and go, but a mother will always remain a mother.  This is why a person will involuntarily scream out “mum.” While a church goer will cry “Lord,” as everything changes for a believer. The Lord is both father and mother, and everything else for him or her is Jesus the Sweetest. 

Moreover, a church person may cry, “Mother of God!” Those people who have a very sincere, warm and trusting relationship with the Holy Theotokos need no explanations as to why. Sometimes people come and ask, “Whom should I pray to?” This is probably the silliest question I hear when people come to Church, “Whom should I pray to?” You should pray to God and the Holy Theotokos. I do not like when people pray to one saint who is responsible for the liver, to another one who takes care of their vision, and to one more who helps in business. All saints are in God.   I can ask St. John of Kronstadt about the business, health, and wellbeing of my family. In the same way you may say, “O Most Holy Theotokos” or “Sweetest Jesus.” You haven’t finished yet and He already answers back to you, “I know this all. You may not say anything more.” You only say, “Sweetest Jesus” and He answers, “I’m doing everything for you already.” If only you had this relationship. 

There are many people here now and most of us do not have our mums with us already. Sometimes we wish we could come to our mum. But she is gone. And the Holy Theotokos is always there. She is always, everywhere, and in any case “O Most Holy Theotokos!” This is so secure, warm and holy. This is so holy that I want to say this repeatedly “O Most Holy Theotokos, Most Holy Theotokos…” If someone keeps bothering and calling a person, he may become irritated and say, “Listen, enough is enough. Stop calling me every moment!” Meanwhile motherhood has everlasting patience and the motherhood of the Holy Theotokos and the fatherhood of the Sweetest Jesus possesses this eternal patience. There are billions of people who live on earth and who say and cry “Lord” every minute and every second but this does not irritate Him. Every moment He answers back, “I am hearing you. I am already taking care of this. I am here with you.” Every moment, 24 hours, “Lord, Lord, Lord.” From every corner of earth and every point of the universe, “Lord, Lord, Lord.” In different languages, people of different creeds and cultures. How many people on earth say “O Most Holy Theotokos!” at the same time? She does not become tired, nor does She become irritated. She answers at once, “I hear you.” O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

We should only make our Heavenly Parents happy. Our Heavenly Parents work and work hard and we should make Them happy. We should come up to Them and say, “Lord, I have received a good mark today. I overcame myself and read the prayer rule, regardless of being tired and lazy.” “O Most Holy Theotokos, I know how You love me and You also love my enemy the same way. For Your sake, I came to him today and we made peace. This is my small present to You as a present to My Mother.” She is a Mother who is worried about the quarrel between Her children. There is no mother who does not worry when her children are quarreling. Surely, She becomes sad and feels sick at heart. Every day we should be grateful and simply say, “Thank You for having heard my request.” We should answer Them with something, we should bring Them our gratitude. Lord Jesus Christ we thank thee!  

It is a pity not all the inhabitants of Gai are here. The Holy Theotokos has come to your place. Such a wonderful icon! All this case is soaked with myrrh because it streamed from the icon. It did not just appear drop by drop, but it streamed. For fifteen years, this Iveron Montreal Icon traveled in this case all around the world, giving strength to people in all countries. In the end, the keeper of this icon, José Muñoz, an Orthodox Spaniard who lived in America, was ritually killed by satanists on the day of the horrible feast of Halloween. This day is celebrated in the West and even here, in the Holy Rus, they began to celebrate this disgusting feast and this is frightening.   On that very day, 25 years ago, José Muñoz was murdered in his room at a hotel in Athens and the icon disappeared without a trace. The icon is gone and the keeper was cruelly murdered. Glory to the Providence of God, he left the case before going to Athens. Perhaps, he did not realize why he left it and the people to whom he entrusted the case did not see the whole picture. After his death, the friends of José Muñoz, who were now the keepers of the case soaked with myrrh, went to Holy Mount Athos, to the same hermitage where the missing icon was painted and found its twin sister there. The Elder painted two icons. The Greek monks gave that icon to José’s friends. The icon was put into that very case instead of the stolen one and now it began to travel giving us joy and strength. And when we see it we say at once, “O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” 



St. John of Kronstadt Cathedral, Gai City, 27.11.2022

Tomorrow is the beginning of the Nativity Fast, which will last until the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the 7th of January. This fast is not strict; we may have fish before the New Year, except on Wednesdays and Fridays. However, the main thing in a fast is not what we eat. We Christians, should understand what God wants from us. We should realize what He wants and what we should do.  

The Lord says in the Bible, “Why do you bring all those goats and sheep as a sacrifice to me? Aren’t they are Mine? Everything in the world is Mine anyway.”1 Then He continues, “My son, give me your heart.”2 I do not need you to sacrifice a lamb or put up a candle. Or rather this is not the most important thing. He says, “My son, give me your heart.” 

What does it mean, “My son, give me your heart?” Do you remember how the Lord in the Gospel judged the Pharisees who were obsessed with executing the external laws so meticulously? We eat this, but we do not eat that, we do this, but we do not do that.  The Old Testament Pharisees had so many instructions and they observed them sincerely, as the Lord says, they “strained out a gnat.”3 They did this all for God’s sake. However, throughout all the Gospel they, who executed everything up to the smallest detail, do not make Him happy, but irritate Him instead. God Who is Love becomes irritated. Moreover, He becomes angry with them. God Who is Love…  We are used to considering love as sentimentality and human kindness. Meanwhile God Who is Love encompasses more complicated hints and God Who is Love allows Himself to be angry with them and even scold them. He says the following words, “How long shall I be with you?”4 I am so tired of your hypocrisy. And He calls them hypocrites and Pharisees. In addition, he says the following phrase, “you are like whitewashed tombs.”5 Whitewash is said there, whitewash is a white paint. You are like whitewashed tombs, attractive from the outside and upholstered in velvet, but you are full of stench and decay inside. 

The most frightening is that the Lord says this not only to the Pharisees. He says this to the contemporary Christians, if they live only by executing the external law and feel content with this.  Moreover, they even admire themselves. Just like the Pharisee from the Gospel who prayed, “I thank You that I am not like other men: adulterers and sinners, alcoholics and fornicators, I am not like this, I am fine.”6 Everything is fine, except for his arrogance and pride. He admires himself.   

In order to understand what God wants from us, He says, and I am repeating this, “My son, give me your heart.” He needs no external rites, no external acts, even though we have all of this in Church and the external Church ceremonies are blessed. Nevertheless, we should have an order of priorities. There should be an external compound, but it should be secondary. The main is our internal compound.  

What is this, an internal compound? Again the Lord says in the Gospel, “If you look at a woman to lust for her you have already committed adultery with her. If you envy someone’s wealth you are already a murderer who can ignite his envy to such a degree that he may kill for this fortune.”7 This is why the Lord in the New Testament draws our attention to the fact that all our acts should be directed inwards. Even on the level of an idea or a thought, we should not allow sin to come into us. 

Very often we look at this carelessly. I only allowed myself a thought. And so what? Wife, you should tell your husband what thought you allowed yourself to have and look him in the eye. Or you, husband, tell your wife what thought has flashed through your mind. It seems to pass swiftly, but you detained it and agreed with it. When people say a little betrayal or a small betrayal, what is the difference between them? Betrayal is betrayal. No matter whether it is small or big, you crossed the line and allowed yourself to commit it. If you did cross the line and allowed yourself a small betrayal today, tomorrow a big betrayal will follow the small one naturally. This is a natural law, as you have stepped across your consciousness.  

This is why, you see, now, in the beginning of the fast, set yourself a goal; try to take control over your thoughts and sinful ideas. Then come to me in tears and say, “Nothing worked.” Catching a thought is like catching air.   A thought is so subtle and light that it seems you are catching air as it slips through your fingers. Some people believe this is impossible, they put up with it and feel content with the external doing, they try to execute external rules at least. However, the Holy Fathers contradict them with their whole lives and say, “No, this is all possible. This is possible.” The Lord would have never given us unfeasible tasks. If He says, “cleanse the inside of you,” He cannot deliberately give us an unfeasible task. Therefore, this is partially possible. But this is the whole science of the Holy Fathers making us pure not only from outside but also from inside.   

Our thoughts should be filled with prayer. In this case, nothing sinful will come into them. We will resemble a vessel, which is full up to the brim and nothing more can be poured in it. It is full and there is no empty space there. If our inside is filled with prayer, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Holy Theotokos…” 

I want to ask you, we, being Christians, very often execute the moral law. We try not to drink alcohol, fornicate, steal, adulterate, deceive, and we try to work hard and earn an honest livelihood.  And now I am asking you, did unfaithful communists do all the same things I have listed to you? They did it all. Everything I have listed, except for praying. What is the difference between us? We are called to execute not only the moral law, we are called for something more. We are called to reunite with God through prayer. 

I come down to the issue of prayer on purpose, so you realize what the main thing in Church is. A Liturgy takes place and everyone should stop and forget where he has put or hasn’t put his candle, where he has turned or hasn’t turned to, and he should also forget everything and pray. The main thing is prayer. Surely, everything external exists and it should be, but the main thing is prayer. Our mind should be busy not with external activities but with prayer. The choir should think not about the notes, but about prayer, and the notes will come out of them naturally. If they think about notes, they will sing notes, but they will not have prayer and there will be a dissonance between the priest and the choir. This dissonance may also be between the priest and the parishioners who are at the church. Everyone should be in tune. Everyone should pray and everything will work naturally.    

This is why, please, I would like to sparkle your zeal for prayer. Learn how to pray. Prayer is not an easy thing. Very often, we say, “I read” or “I sang,” but “I prayed” sounds in a different way. “I prayed” is not “I read,” “I sang,” or “I stood.” This is something different. This is a mystic state of a person who remains in a parallel world. This world becomes parallel for him and he stays there with Christ.  

Sweetest Jesus, save us!

Congratulations on the beginning of the Nativity fast tomorrow! Do not overeat tonight as we always prepare for a fast in a way that we feel bad the next day. God blessed everything, but everything should have its measure. God does not forbid anything, however He forbids excessiveness. Elder Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia is one of my favorite saints. We often have a kind of religious fanaticism: this is prohibited and that is prohibited, and that is totally prohibited, and if you do this you will surely go to hell at once. One day Elder Porphyrios sat with his spiritual children and said, “What a loving God we have! He created the flavor of food and its smell in order to treat us with it and make us happy.” Satan did not create taste, neither did he create smell, but he created excessiveness. We may simply eat tasty food, enjoy it, stop in time, and glorify God. But satan created excessiveness so we overeat like pigs and serve the cult of food.    

A person may wash himself with a fragrant soap and smell good. This is not a sin. But when we pay three wages for a bottle of perfume, this is excessive. And what about a simple observance of elementary principles of hygiene… Some people show fanaticism believing that one should not brush his teeth before the Eucharist… Can you imagine how a priest should receive your confession after this? Clean your teeth in the morning, rinse your mouth, and take the Body of Christ into your clean mouth. Fanaticism will surely invent something; it will make up some external perversions. 

Well, I have bored you enough already. Forgive me.


1 ”To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?” (Is. 1:11)

2 “My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.” (Pr. 23:26)

3 “Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!” (Mt.23:24)

4 “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you?” (Mt. 17:17)

5 “For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.” (Mt. 23:27)

6 “God, I thank You that I am not like other men: extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector.” (Lk. 18:11)

7 “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Mt. 5:28)

8 “Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.” (Mt 23:26)